He'll go with the party but stay out of harm's way in combat. Have him claim the body-snatching/attacks on the village are the result of Adam and the creature has locked him away here. (The DM knows these are Mordenheim's failed experiments to "grow" a new body for his wife.) Then replace Sir Keegen with Mordenheim himself.

When the PCs get to the Sir Keegan encounter, refluff the skeletons into flesh golem-like clones of Mordenheim's wife. One of the rooms should have Mordenheim's wife on life support in it. Refluff the monsters in the top of the keep into things like broken ones, crawling claws, golems, that kind of stuff. Now, as for the keep, it is the ancestral keep of Victor Mordenheim. For that encounter, you can have the human mastermind panic and immerse himself in the cauldron as a last-resort to stop the PCs, at which point he comes out as Irontooth. Rename Irontooth to some nice, fitting human name and make him a human with a magic cauldron that turns people into goblyns when they're put inside the cauldron. (Yeah, I know, that's a domain, not a city, but if we're doing an I6-inspired Ravenloft, there is no domain of Lamordia, is there?) Instead of the village being attacked by goblins, they're being attacked by goblyns.

Run KotS, but instead of Winterhaven, rename the town Lamordia. It borrows a little bit from Ravenloft the campaign setting while keeping you in Ravenloft the adventure. If you're going to start with KotS, here's what I'm planning on doing when the current campaign wraps up and we do a Ravenloft one. With a few simple tweaks and changes to plot and specifics, you could actually put together a nice little storyline going from Keep On The Shadowfell to Mistwatch, to Castle Ravenloft. Start the PCs in Winterhaven, and you can go into all sorts of stuff with regards to Kalarel and the Keep On The Shadowfell, tying him into Cadmus Zaspar and the cultists of Mistwatch, all of which feed into Strahd Von Zarovich and his rule over Barovia.

This would also place the actual Castle high onto the slopes of the Cairngorn Peaks or the Stonemarch. Ravenloft has a river running right through its overland map, so you could easily use the western branch of the river that feeds into Lake Wintermist as that river. If you wanted to use Mistwatch as a preliminary location to help set up Expedition To Castle Ranveloft, you could easily set Barovia further northwest of Lake Wintermist. This results in much unnatural death, the dead walking the streets at night, plus banks of fog rolling in through the town streets. In the article it talks about the plague that the town currently suffers under, due to certain townsfolk worshipping the "Chained God". If you have a DDI subscription and get a copy of Dungeon Issue 186, there's a Backdrop article about the village of Mistwatch, which is on the western shore of Lake Wintermist in the Nentir Vale.